08 October 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this online learning program work?
This is a self-discovery program which encourages people to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY. There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, people are encouraged connect and to work together and share with each other their discoveries, tips and techniques both in person and through their blogs.

Is this program open to anyone or just library staff?
While this program is particularly aimed at library staff, it is open to all members of the community.

How long do I have to complete the program?
The program starts in October and officially wraps up in December. However, you can join in at any point and work through the program in your own time.

How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?
Each participant is required to create a blog as one of the 23 Things. The idea is to then keep posting to your blog to track your progress and remind yourself what you've achieved.

Why 23 things instead of having participants do 43 things like the website?
Given the timeframe of the program (about 9 weeks), the number of "things" was reduced so that people already burdened with busy work and family schedules wouldn't feel overwhelmed by having too many discovery exercises to complete in a week. Also, it takes a lot of effort to create and develop 23 separate exercises.

Will there be any training classes offered to show people how to do this?
No, this is a self-directed learning program. If you feel you need assistance with an item, you are encouraged to be resourceful and to find a friend or co-worker who can help.

I've seen the list of 23 Things on the website, but how do I know what to do with them?
Each week, two or three posts will be added to the Learning 2.0 blog with details about the discovery exercises for that week. The reason for this staggered approach is to allow participants the ability to focus each week on a different area without feeling overwhelmed. Click on the link on the right hand side of the Learning 2.0 blog to go to the complete list of 23 Things.

What if I can't "do" something in the Discovery Exercise?
That's ok. Learning 2.0 is about playing around, exposing yourself to new things, and having a go. So long as you explore the "thing" and try the exercise you will have increased your understanding of technology.

Can I work ahead through the list of items on my own?
Yes, of course. You are encouraged to self-direct your discovery process, especially by working ahead on your own!! However, if you do work ahead on some items, be sure to check back on the exercise details for each item once they are posted so you can be sure to have the same information as everyone else.

What if I need help - who can I call?
Since this program is self-directed and is being completed by many people simultaneously, you are encouraged to work with friends and colleagues along your discovery journey.